冬日不甜也行,如果想多一点个性与街头感,不妨试试看作者 Louise 推荐 的 Dr. Martens 马汀大夫鞋。马汀大夫鞋上略圆弧的鞋头设计和厚挺的皮革质料,非常实穿的招牌气垫鞋底,是踩在脚下的微叛逆和个性。趁着感恩节的前后折扣时间,添购一双可以跟你走得好远好远的鞋吧。

Dr. Martens 马汀大夫鞋。一直以来我都很喜欢马汀大夫鞋的个性街头感,精致的皮面选料和侧边细腻的黄色缝线,都是美好的古着时尚细节。

I have always been obsessed with Dr. Martens. And I love how Dr. Martens expresses the timeless design through durable modern details, yellow stitching, and high quality leather. 

|穿搭单品  Today's Outfit | 

TROUSERS │ ZARA KIDS ( sold out, similar HERE )
BAG │ CAMBRIDGE SATCHEL 15" (目前七折且全球免运!)
SHOES │ DR. MARTENS #1461 (结账时输入BLESSED七折且全球免运!)
HAT │ ZARA ( sold out, similar HERE )

|关于穿搭|马汀大夫鞋 Dr. Martens

Dr. Martens 马汀大夫鞋上略圆弧的鞋头设计和厚挺的皮革质料,非常实穿的招牌气垫鞋底,是踩在脚下的微叛逆和个性。我购买的马汀大夫鞋是雾面三孔1461经典款(更新,这款目前感恩节特惠在 Asos 结账时输入 BLESSED 打七折)。关于皮质,雾面和亮面各有各的好,而我选择的是温醇含蓄的雾面款;鞋面的三孔设计简单不花俏,经典就是该如此耐看。新鞋前几次穿皮面稍硬,多穿几次后皮质就变软多了,也有了属于自己的痕迹和个性。

这次又巧取强夺拎了我先生的剑桥包,这款经典 15 寸黑色是传统扣环,包包尺寸对我来说稍大,但我喜欢它的 oversize 随性。目前这款15寸黑色因感恩节折扣在官网打七折,且全球免运非常推荐!

|#ootd|Dr. Martens

Dr. Martens has been an iconic footwear in pop culture for rebellious spirits. The shoes is distinguished by the grunge style design, rounded toe, durable leather, and the air-cushioned sole. The comfortable air-cushioned sole offers durability. I ordered 1461 Gibson style in black and is now 30% off with code BLESSED on Asos. About the leather, both matte and patent look sharp and great. I opted for the matte leather because personally I think patent is too fancy for my style. Also, a brand new pair of Dr. Martens needs a couple of weeks to break in. Before the shoes break in properly, they might develop blisters and bruises. After softening the leather, the shoes will serve you well and look even better as they age with wear. 

I headed over to my hubby's closet and "borrowed" this batchel from The Cambrid Satchel Company. This classic batchel is 15" in black. It's a bit too big on me, but I love mixing this oversized bag with the grunge Dr. Martens shoes. This classic 15" batchel has the traditional buckle-closure design and it is now on 30% off with worldwide free shipping! 



接下来我会整理购物指南,如果有兴趣一起加入这场折扣战,可以加入我的脸书粉丝团  不错过任何折扣消息!

|Holiday Season Shopping|

Starting from November, you can feel festival everywhere. And I have been excited about Thanksgiving because it's the time to get the best deals of the year. Starting from Black Friday to Cyber Monday, I'll keep an eye out for discounts. And I'll organize my holiday shopping list, focusing on Asos and The Cambridge Satchel Company mainly. Especially this sleek and stylish backpack has been on my mind for a couple of months, I'm hoping to see it on sale next week! I'll keep updating my holiday shopping list starting from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday. Visit my Facebook fans page here for the Thanksgiving shopping info https://www.facebook.com/youarewhatyouwear.tw


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