
小女孩用有趣的口吻描述了爸爸的一天,既忙碌又很有战斗力的上班生活,相信也是大多数的上班族会经历的一天。在影片一开始,小女孩也丢出了一个问题:What do people do all day? (人们一整天都在做什么?)


How did you get to work today?(你今天怎么去上班?)

I took the MRT to work. (我搭捷运去上班。)

I took the bus / train to work. (我搭公车/火车去上班。)

I rode my scooter to work. / I drove.(我骑机车/开车上班。)

What did you do at the office this morning?(早上你在办公室做了什么?)

First, I checked my email and replied back to some clients. Then I had a department meeting. For the rest of the day, I did work that my manager assigned me.(首先,我收信并且回信给一些客户。接着,我有一场部门会议。剩下的时间,我做主管指派给我的工作。)

What did you do during lunchtime?(午餐时间你做了什么?)

I packed my own lunch today, so I just ate in the office.(我今天带了便当,所以我在办公室吃。)

I went out to eat with coworkers.(我和同事出去吃。)

I was so tired that I took a nap during lunchtime.(我太累了,所以在午餐时间小睡了一下。)

What did you do in the afternoon?(下午你做了什么?)

I left the office to meet with some clients.(我离开办公室去拜访一些客户。)

I had a meeting with another department.(我和另一个部门有一场会议。)

I wrote up some reports and sent them to my manager.(我写了一些报告并且寄给我的主管。)

What did you do after work?(下班后你做了什么?)

I went to the movies with some friends, and we had a great time.

I went to the gym to exercise.(我去健身房做运动。)

I worked overtime today. It was late when I got home, so I didn’t do anything.(我今天加班。当我到家时已经很晚了,所以我没有做任何事。)


你的一天又是什么呢?快来用这五个简单的问题,参考上述的例句,来拼出属于你自己的一天喔。What did you do all day? A presentation by you!

→ 别走开!结尾有彩蛋


大家问:What did you do all day?(你一整天都在做什么呢?)

老师答:I took the MRT to work. In the morning, I had a meeting to discuss some videos and articles. During lunchtime, I went to eat McDonald’s and then took a nap afterwards. In the afternoon, I started working on my column. I had to rewrite it many times just to make sure it was inspiring and interesting. After work, I went home and did some chores. It was a tiring but challenging day!
