你对法式风格有向往吗?在 Coco Chanel、Jane Birkin、Brigitte Bardot 之后,你应该要好好认识这位 Caroline de Maigret:“妳不用花大把薪水投资在你的衣柜,或是疯狂砸钱在设计师品牌上。妳需要的是妳的“标志性单品”,可以让妳穿上就感受到力量的单品。”

世上存在着一种女人,她不一定拥有最漂亮的眼眸、最精致的脸蛋、最羡煞他人的窈窕身型.....,不过不知怎的,不分男女、无论老少,我们要嘛期待“Be like her”、要嘛渴望“Be with her”。

图片|Caroline de Maigret IG

她不跟随潮流,她创造风格,比如这位来自巴黎,身兼模特、Chanel 缪思及音乐制作人的 Caroline de Maigret。

图片|Caroline de Maigret IG

2006 年,正当模特事业发扬光大的同时,Caroline 还和 Yarol Poupaud 合作创立了唱片公司,跨足音乐制作的事业版图,非典型“第一眼美女”她,依然靠着自己强而有劲的自我风格,走上 Chanel、Christian Dior、Louis Vuitton 等法国重量级品牌大秀,甚至成为兰蔻品牌的年度大使。

图片|Caroline de Maigret IG

有人说,世界上每个女人都幻想自己“来自法国”,但是真正来自法国的女人又将谁视为风格偶像?过去有 Coco Chanel、Jane Birkin、Brigitte Bardot,来到现在,我们有 Caroline de Maigret。

如果要用一个词来形容 Caroline,我会选择“雌雄同体”,她深邃勾人的眼眸总吐露出一丝法式柔情 ,性感的颧骨与自若的肢体语言,又透露出大男孩赶的的帅气与率真。她有极具个性又毫不过头的魅力,浪漫又帅气、简单又难以捉摸,这不正是不管男人、女人都得拜倒在她石榴裙下的最大原因—“致命的神秘感”?

Caroline 的穿衣风格来自哥德、Grunge 和后庞克音乐的融合,对她来说,吸烟外套、牛仔裤、白 T 和黑皮靴是女人衣柜里必备之单品,“巴黎女人永远不会‘给予’对方太多,每当我们要出门约会或逛街时,永远会将一句话惦记在心:Less is always more(少即是多)。”

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图片|Caroline de Maigret IG

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有趣的是,在她的畅销着作《How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are》中,Caroline整理了巴黎女人的日常态度,以下撷取部份看点逐一列出。


The Parisienne is arrogant and never satisfied. 

The Parisienne already knows what she must think: the opposite of what you think, no matter what.

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You don’t have to spend a decade’s worth of salary on your wardrobe, or flaunt designer brands the whole time. All you need is one signature item: the one you wear when you need to feel strong.

如果巴黎女人可以只穿一件 Burberry 风衣就出门、里头什么都不穿,对她而言,宛如置身天堂一般。
If the Parisienne could wear just a Burberry trench and nothing underneath, she would be in heaven.

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If you don’t like your ass, walk sideways, your back to the wall, and show off your breasts. If your legs are too short or your thighs too wide, go on your tiptoes. If you don’t like your breasts...do something about them, but in the meantime, cross your arms, and when in bed, opt for positions lying on your back.


In short, you’re not a slave to the cult of the perfect body—so learn to make the best of what nature gave you.


Enjoy the face you have today. It’s the one you’ll wish you have 10 years from now.

In truth, more than wanting to look young—which is nothing but a fleeting illusion—they want above all to become the best possible version of themselves, outside and in, at any age.

读到这,你也臣服于这位做自己做到如此地步、Never give a F about anything的法国风格女伶了吗?