

snooze 小睡、贪睡

像是手机设定的闹钟里都会有一个贪睡的按钮,在闹钟响起之后可以按下,闹钟就会在五到十分钟之后再响一次,这样的贪睡按钮英文就是 snooze button。另外,英文中有一个很常使用的格言 “If you snooze, you lose.” 意思就是“当你还在打盹的时候,别人都在努力充实自己”,用来劝告人们应该要把握时间,不要无所事事或是把时间都拿来睡觉。

Can I snooze on your couch for a bit?


get up on the wrong side of the bed 起床气


A: What’s wrong with you today?


B: I guess I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.


catch up on someone's sleep 补眠

其中 catch up 是“赶上”的意思,那赶上睡眠就是“补足某人不够的睡眠”,也就是我们常说的“补眠”喔!

I can’t go with you guys to the movies this weekend. I need to catch up on my sleep.


oversleep 睡过头

over- 字首常有“超过”的意思,那 oversleep 就是指“睡到超过应该起床的时间”也就是“睡过头”的意思。

Katie missed the train this morning because she accidentally overslept.

(Katie 今天早上错过火车,因为她不小心睡过头。)

someone didn’t sleep well 失眠、睡不好

I didn’t sleep well last night thinking of all the work I have to do today.


have a nightmare (about something) 做(有关某物的)恶梦

nightmare 是“恶梦”,要注意做恶梦要搭配的动词是 have,并不是 make 喔!

I had a nightmare about zombies yesterday! It was so real that I woke up in the middle of the night.


be out cold 睡死了

A: Are you okay? I called you a million times last night, but you didn’t answer!


B: I’m sorry. I was out cold from the party.


pass out / knock out 昏睡

A: Where were you last night?


B: I accidentally fell asleep. The medicine the doctor gave me really knocked me out.
