超模 Karlie Kloss 对人生的 6 个体悟,努力过程中失败了没有关系,重要的是我们能从错误中学习。

超模 Karlie Kloss 在她生日这天录了这支影片与大家分享她 23 年来体悟到的事情。有些很无厘头,有些却是许多人都能有所共鸣的。而在她所提到的这些领悟当中,有哪些你也深感认同呢?


1. Hard work pays off.  (努力就会有收获)
2. Take time for yourself. But if you take too much time for yourself and you're late, make sure you have baked goods. (留点时间给自己。但如果你留太多时间给自己然后要来不及了,记得要先烤好一些吃的。)
3. Not everyone's gonna like you, and that's okay. If someone calls you a giraffe, that's okay, too. (不是每个人都会喜欢你,那没关系。如果有人嘲笑你是长颈鹿,那也没关系。)
4. Failing's okay so long as you learn from your mistakes. (失败了没有关系,只要你能从错误中学习。)
5. Wear colorful things! Life is too short to always wear black.(穿些缤纷的衣物吧!人生很短,没有时间总是穿得一身黑。)
6. You're never too old to call Mom for help.(不管几岁打给老妈求救都不嫌老。)



◎ Actions speak louder than words.


If you never put your ideas into action, you won't get what you want. Haven't you heard, "Actions speak louder than words"?

◎ Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

其中 put off 有“延迟、拖延”的意思,这句字面上是说,你今天可以完成的事情,就不要拖延到明天,也就是“今日事今日毕”。举个例子:

My boss is very efficient. She always says, "Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today."

◎ God helps those who help themselves.


I believe God helps those who help themselves. We should try to find a way out instead of waiting for someone else to come.


◎ Where there’s a will, there’s a way.


Come on! We can find a solution. Where there's a will, there's a way. Just don't lose faith!

◎ Slow and steady wins the race.


A: This project is so hard. I’m not getting any results.
A: 这份企划太难了。我还没得到任何成果。
B: Don’t give up halfway. Slow and steady wins the race.
B: 别半途而废。滴水穿石最终一定会成功的。