12 月是一年最后的月份,也意味着圣诞节的到来,每个城市都有自己的独特的灵魂,庆祝圣诞节的方式也不尽相同。让女人迷作者 Louise 带你看纽约城市冬天雪白的圣诞风景,透过文字和照片,彷如我们也跟着 Louise 在纽约晃了一圈,一路上的迷人的橱窗布景、舞台剧的声光、Lady M 千层派甜而不腻的奶油滋味,彷佛还在舌尖、眼底,那么历历在目。


My Japanese classmate Natsu and I had a New York weekend getaway. Different from what I've experience before in summer, this time Manhattan in winter is like a Christmas wonderland with holiday magic. You just can't help but feel festive everywhere.




Natsu is one of my closest friend in Boston. Maybe because both of us had visited each other's country for many times before, or maybe because we have the exact same class schedule this semester, it's just quite natural for us to become friends. 

It's interesting to communicate with her. Since Taiwan and Japan share similar cultures, we sometimes type or write Chinese characters to each other when there is something we don't know how to say in English. 


Traveling with a classmate is like a graduation trip. Natsu is obsessed with black pieces and she usually wears fur accessories to give a feminine touch for her look.  

这次承蒙同学的福借住在亲戚家一宿,第二晚和同学幸运用 Hotwire.com 标到五折的 W Hotels, 房间内冷冽的现代设计风格,就像 W 的 logo 一样极简俐落:

推荐你看:专访 W TAIPEI Insider 徐新瑜:如果这个工作只让你感到快乐,你应该离开了

Thanks to Natsu that I could stay at her relative's place for one night. And then luckily, we booked W hotels with 50% off on hotwire.com. I love the sleek and modern interior style of W hotels. Just like their famous W logo design, it's simple yet powerful.

晚上从 Rockefeller Center 看完圣诞树后,再继续走到 Saks Fifth Avenue 看光彩夺目的灯光大秀,配合着名的耶诞橱窗装饰,今年以童话“An Enchanted Experience”为主题,用现代手法重新诠释大家耳熟能详的故事。声光活动俱佳的秀精彩非常,我们着迷到早晚都各去一次欣赏不同时光的美景。

The Christmas windows at Saks Fifth Avenue are simply amazing. The whole "An Enchanted Experience" show includes fairy tales scenes which are rendered in an Art Deco style, video projections, light display and music. Everything is unbelievably spectacular.


The window of Cinderella depicts a moment when she arrived at the Saks Fifth Avenue Ball. 

"Once upon a time in New York, Cinderella fell madly in love with a pair of designer shoes."


And here comes my favorite Sleeping Beauty window. 

"Once upon a time in New York, the Sleeping Beauty had a trouble adjusting to the city that never sleeps."

另外这次也观赏了出乎意外好看的音乐剧 Matilda,在 TKTS 购入打六折的 Matilda, 在零度低温下的冷风中排队半小时果然还是值得的。

We also watched the fantastic Matilda musical in Broadway. It was totally beyond my expectation and I almost burst out into tears at the end of the show. Waiting in line at TKTS for 40% off tickets for 30 minutes at 32ºF was worth it. 

最后以品尝 Lady M 的千层派结束吧!招牌抹茶口味清爽不腻,浓郁的栗子口味也颇讨人喜爱,不管哪个口味都绵密柔滑如丝绸,一入口就在舌尖处融化,让人回味无穷。外带可以省去小费不无小补,叉子也做得很有质感。Lady M 目前在纽约有三间分店:

The Lady M mille crepes ended our little trip perfectly. Both the green tea and maroon flavors tasted like silk and melted immediately right on the tip of my tongue. There are currently three Lady M stores in NY that you can purchase their famous mille crepes.

Lady M

Main Boutique |41 East 78th St, New York, NY 10021
Bryant Park Boutique |36 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018
The Plaza Food Hall |One West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019