如果你想添上一点优雅气息,就制造一点让人感到幸福的指尖风景吧!Essie 若有似无的裸色系指甲油,带来冬日的暖意。轻柔晶莹的色彩像刚爱上一个人,那样舍不得触碰。


来美国后我迷上 Essie 的指甲油。尤其是 Essie 的裸色系指甲油,擦上后会不由自主着迷指尖的裸色气质。

Essie Nude Nail Polishes Review. Here is a review of my favorite Essie neutral nail shades, including Sand Tropez, Topless & Barefoot, All Eyes on Nudes and Tuck it in my Tux.

Essie 指甲油色号 (从右到左 from right to left)

1. Sand Tropez  #745
2. Topless & Barefoot  #744
3. All Eyes on Nudes #3036
4. Tuck it in My Tux  #886 


|Essie 裸色指甲油四款心得|

Essie Nude Nail Polishes Review 若有似无的裸色系指甲油,是我最喜欢的指尖风景。Essie 的指甲油色彩粉嫩,所以来美国后我陆陆续续购入很多 Essie 的裸肤色指彩。手边这四罐 Essie 是我最常擦的裸肤色系指甲油,皆为没有亮粉、无偏光、不含亮片的纯色,色号分别是偏灰的藕肤 Sand Tropez、粉嫩的裸肤 Topless & Barefoot、轻柔的雾面驼色 All Eyes on Nudes、和略微晶莹的粉白 Tuck it in My Tux

|Essie Nude Nail Polishes Review|

Essie Nude Nail Polishes Review. Nude nail polish shades are always a classic look and my all-time favorite nail colors. Here are four of my favorite Essie nude nail polishes in this post. All of these nail colors are creamy, non-sparkle, non-glitter and non-shimmer. They are the soft sandy taupe Sand Tropez, pinky beige Topless & Barefoot, creamy neutral matte All Eyes on Nudes and the semi-sheer pastel Tuck it in My Tux. 

1. Sand Tropez #745

带着藕灰色调的裸色,乍看之下毫不起眼,明度和彩度都偏低,是一点都不甜腻的成熟裸色。质地同样浓稠,擦两层就有非常饱和的藕灰肤色。灰色的基调带出知性优雅的气质,这罐 Sand Tropez 像是裸灰色的皮衣外套,在日常生活中穿出低调的时髦。

1. Sand Tropez #745

It's a perfect mix between beige and grey with slight purple undertones. While the color looks neutral, it makes a statement. The texture is smooth and creamy. It has great coverage, and I usually apply two coats to get the soft sandy taupe hue. It's like a beige leather jacket with a touch of gray. Sand Tropez is fashion-forward, yet it has the muted shine of graceful modern age. 

2. Topless & Barefoot #744

这是一罐偏粉的裸色,质地浓郁滑顺,我喜欢擦两层的粉裸色效果,色泽饱和又亮滑,各种肤色都相当适合。Topless & Barefoot质感像是缎面料子制成的高级丝绸礼服,是套上礼服滑过指尖细腻的存在,旖旎的裸肤色,微甜。

  2. Topless & Barefoot #744

It's a nice pinky nude color. Delicate and feminine, this light beige pink cream works on all types of skin tones. The texture is pretty opaque, and I like to apply two coats to get the full opacity. Topless & Barefoot makes you look neat and elegant, reminiscent of the beautiful silky satin evening gown.  

3. All Eyes on Nudes #3036

这罐是比较特别的 Essie Cashmere 雾面系列。Cashmere 系列指甲油的色泽如同温暖羊毛般雾面的温柔,轻柔的浅驼色,不张扬且极尽低调,而不是一般亮面强调的光泽感。为求最佳雾面效果,不要擦 top coat 才能呈现这系列特殊的羊毛质地。这罐 All Eyes on Nudes 像秋冬暖烘烘的厚实围巾,毛绒绒的令人安心。

3. All Eyes on Nudes #3036

All Eyes on Nudes is part of Essie Cashmere Matte collection. Inspired by rich cashmere, it's a soft and creamy neutral matte color. The texture is a bit of thick, but it covers the nail well without being translucent. For the best matte result, use without a top coat. The color is subtle camel nude and perfect for tone down moments. The overall effect of All Eyes on Nudes reminds me of the fall/winter days when snuggling up in a cozy and warm cashmere scarf.

4. Tuck it in My Tux

这罐是清淡的象牙白色,半透明的轻柔粉嫩, 是一抹雾气缭绕在指尖。一般纯白色多是厚重像立可白般的色调,但 Tuck it in My Tux 色泽的微透肤感相当迷人,是很有质感的浅白色,如镜面般光滑。我通常会擦三层,隐隐约约的透明感,像飘逸的雪纺纱裙摆。

4. Tuck it in My Tux

It's a semi-sheer ivory white with a slight hint of pink. Unlike the traditional thick and stark white nail polishes, the texture of Tuck it in My Tux is a squishy jelly and translucent. The formula dries quickly and leaves glossy finish. The more coats you use it, the more opaque it becomes. I usually apply three coast not only for the subtle pastel vibes but also for a perfect streak-free finish. This semi-sheer milky shade is reminiscent of a flowy chiffon skirt.