女人迷与音乐一起陪伴你的 Lady's night!别忘了对自己说声:“情人节快乐,我最棒的自己。”

情人节又要到了,看着路上的情侣们闪闪发亮,单身如我即使再坚强,也会渴望在寒冷冬季,有人牵着我的手,或是节庆时有爱人相随。然而正如我之前的文章谈恋爱不是要填补空虚,爱情这种东西可遇不可求,放轻松点,别忘了单身最佳的良伴就是音乐,音乐是永远不会抛弃你的(只要你的装置还有电)。不管妳是空虚寂寞觉得冷,想一个人窝在沙发,喝着热可可大唱抒情歌;还是想要妆点自己,跟好姊妹一起出去派对狂欢,随着舞曲摇摆一整夜,Alex都帮你整理出以下10首单身必听的歌单,让你一个人也能有 Spotify 陪你过节!


1.Stay with me

This song is perfect for people tired of one-night stand, because all we need in the end is love not just sex. Sam really has the talent singing through people's souls with his emotional vocal touching people's deepest feeling in their hearts.

这首歌是2014我最爱的神曲,年纪轻轻的 Sam 把一夜情后的空虚唱得淋漓尽致,毕竟大家最中渴望的还是爱情而不是简单的肉体需求,他的声音很有穿透力,完全不输 Adele,把每个人内心中最敏感的情感召唤出来,跟着他一起唱 Won't you stay with meeeeee! 夜深人静听很催泪。(推荐阅读:男人,也会有做爱后动物感伤

2. All by myself

This is the classic single song for decades since its appearance in Bridget Jones' diaries haaa. Especially love the lyrics"When I was young, I never needed anyone, And making love was just for fun.Those days are gone" which making people wanna laugh but also so true about being single!

这首歌是经典,当看到电影里芮妮跟着音乐摇着红酒唱,就会想在家里跟着一起大唱,像疯子一样大喊 All by myself,然后看电影喝热饮到睡着哈哈,影片如下

3.Someone like you

 Adele's voice is like an angel soothing your broken heart. Love makes us fool, wanting our beloved one back, hoping them come back. But the only thing we could do is bless them and wish to find someone like you again to make us alive.

在爱情里我们都是傻子,当我们心爱的人不爱我们,离开我们了,即使外表坚强的说没事,但我们还是期许能有个像你一样的人,能再度温暖我心,Adele 这首歌每次听都会心理颤动,勾勒内心最细致的情感。


This song is my favorite from 90s! Once I heard this from GLEE, I immediately know this is my song! "That's what's going on, nothings right, I'm torn." when Natalie sang that, I felt like I could see the man I like clearly making me torn.

这首经典90年代歌曲,是我最近才发现,从 GLEE 听来的,一听变成为我的爱歌,不但歌词深刻动人,写出很多我们在爱情里傻傻,被折磨的模样,简单清爽的旋律好似我们内心对爱的呢喃,适合悲伤的人听,很疗愈!


Try's lyrics really touched my heart. Especially when Pink used her powerful voice singing"But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die.
You've gotta get up and try try try" I know we can't lose the faith for love!

这首歌真的很励志,Pink 的声音有种女性坚强的感觉,当她唱着即使爱让人煎熬难受,但我们其实还是活的下去,要继续相信爱,坚持下去!我差点爆哭,真的很爱这首,MV 男主角也很帅 XDDDD


6.Single Ladies


  No need to explain, cuz the song name explains all!


7.Dancing on my own

No date for clubbing, then dance on your own cuz you are the diva of yourself!

这首是我在 GIRLS 影集里听到的,单身在外没男人,或没搭讪怎么办?别担心,你有自己,当然可以自己一个人在舞池肆无忌惮地大跳特跳,甩开忧郁烦恼!做自己最爽。

8.I love it

I don't care what people think of me, because I LOVE IT!! This was my beloved party song of 2013, but still really classic for now!

这首歌真的很洗脑好听,是我票选派对前几名爱歌,在派对里可以轻易跟着大喊I love it!(不是麦当劳 I m lovin it 喔别喊错会很糗),年轻就是要猖狂一下,想做甚么就去做,只因为我喜欢!


Shake your big booty and fuck those skinny bitches off the dance floor! haaaa no offense for skinny girls.

珍妮佛好像变成每年都要来首夜店冠军,而2014就是她跟 IGGY 新作,意外耐听,而且歌词很好笑一直在讲大屁股,可以夜店播这首妳就用大屁股把旁边的浓妆瘦女孩挤出舞池!哈


The best company with single people is not a hot sex, alcohol but true friends! Wannabe is the best song to sing with your sis! Be happy that you still have them around you and fuck off those bad cheaters! Just like Sex and the City said"Men come and go, but women stay." BFF!!

单身最好的陪伴不是酒精或一夜情,而是知心姊妹!Wannabe 这首经典辣妹合唱老歌,在夜店播都会让大家一起大合唱,珍惜姐妹情谊,正如欲望城是讲的“男人来来去去,但女人留下!”



原文发表于Alex Style Diaries 


