曾被称为“甘纳许(ganache)魔术师” 的巧克力天才 Robert Linxe 于 1977 年在巴黎开设了第一家 La Maison du Chocolat ,凭借着自己精美绝伦的巧克力产品而世界闻名。这次去香港,我经过了 IFC 国际金融中心的 La Maison du Chocolat 分店,被玻璃柜里陈列着的巧克力甘纳许,巧克力松露,巧克力冰淇淋等各式甜点给吸引住了,最后忍不住买了两个马卡龙来尝尝。


La Maison du Chocolat, opened in 1977 by Robert Linxe (once referred to as a “ganache magician”), is world-famous for its exquisite chocolate creations. Ganaches, truffles, and mendiants in classic and not so classic flavors like basil, rosemary, and jasmine. The shops also offers an alluring assortment of chocolate pastries – eclairs, macarons, chocolate tarts and cakes, as well as ice cream. Obsessed with macarons, I stopped by La Maison du Chocolat’s IFC shop to sample a few of these irresistible sugary treats.







La Maison du Chocolat的马卡龙有一个特点,就是每个都带有巧克力甘纳许夹心。
All macarons from La Maison du Chocolat, regardless of what flavor they are,
have chocolate ganache-filled centers.



我先尝了百香果马卡龙(23港币)。外壳酥脆,内层湿润且微微黏牙的口感相当不错,不过巧克力甘纳许似乎有点多,盖过了外层百香果的味道。Porcelnana (23港币)就没有这样的问题了,外壳和内陷都是巧克力口味的它,层次丰富,整个就是一首流畅的巧克力合奏曲。


I first took a bite of the passionfruit macaron (23 HKD), its yellow-orange crust crushed easily at the teeth to reveal a moist, chewy cookie and a chocolate ganache filling. Well done, but the rich chocolate ganache actually overshadowed the delicately-flavored exterior shell. The porcelnana (23 HKD), on the other hand, had no such problem since its meringue cookies are milk chocolate-flavored as well, so the whole thing was a smooth chocolatey ensemble.






如果你很喜欢巧克力,一定要试试 La Maison de Macaron 的巧克力和巧克力甜点。至于我,应该还是会去Pierre Herme 或 Laduree 买我的马卡龙吧。


Chocolate lovers, these should make you very happy. As for me, I’ll stick with Laduree.




香港 La Maison du Chocolat

地址*:香港中环港景街 1 号国际金融中心商场 2 楼 2006 号铺
电话:            (+852) 2801 4880      
营业时间:10:30 am ~ 9:30 pm
价位:[马卡龙] 23 港币


*La Maison du Macaron 在香港有四家分店,具体请参考官方网站

*4 locations available in Hong Kong, check website for details.




〉〉巧克力精品店 Chokoin



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