放弃在台湾知名时尚部落客的大好前程,只身搬到巴黎,开始了梦想中的生活——她,是拥有多元身份的 MillyQ。透过专访想更深入知道:是什么样的勇气让她愿意放下其他人生选项选择出走?实践梦想后的心境又是如何?

MillyQ 是一个无法用单一身份定位的时尚风格部落客和作家。一直以来MillyQ 就身兼不同角色,从时尚部落客、 accro 的品牌总监、旅游书作家 (米粒Q的巴黎私心疯 )。更在几年前走向国际舞台,独自一人搬到巴黎,从零开始。现在的她,不仅活跃于各种时尚活动包括巴黎时装周盛会等,更有遍布世界各地的忠实读者群。

MillyQ is someone you simply cannot use a single title to define, as who she is and what she does is much more than just blogging about fashion or travel. Namely, MillyQ has played multiple roles throughout the years, including being a well-known fashion blogger, artistic director for #accro, and author of two books. Her multifaceted aspirations do not stop here. A few years ago, she moved to Paris by herself to pursue her dream and was able to successfully push herself onto the international stage. Having started from ground zero, she now participates in many prestigious fashion activities, ranging from the famous Paris Fashion Week to gaining herself an incredible amount of notoriety among readers and followers worldwide.


MillyQ 认真生活和追寻梦想的热忱,这么多年来一直给许多读者鼓励。MillyQ 不单单认真看待她的网站每一篇文章,更以超完美态度要求自己在 Instagram 和 Facebook 发文。她的每一张照片、每一段文字,都像是艺术家对美对细节坚持的作品。她在各地旅行的游记,不是只有照片,更有丰富的文字,带大家认识、体会,和了解不同的文化。


MillyQ's ambitions and her diligence towards pursuing them have been a source of inspiration for many. For instance, MillyQ has a high standard for every single blog post on her website, a perfectionism that she extends to her social media posts, including Instagram and Facebook. Suffice to say, she approaches every single one of her posts as a work of art; not only does she captures the beauty of the world through pictures, but has the vision of a true artist on how to carefully curate words to accompany them. In doing so, she affords her followers the ability to travel the world alongside her. 

梦想的执行力 Dream Catcher

梦想大家或多或少都有,但是执行力却是决定有没有办法实践梦想的关键之一。MillyQ 在读者与粉丝心目中从来都是很有执行力的精神导师,这次更请她谈谈自己追寻梦想的故事。

这些年来 MillyQ 在台湾已经奠定非常成功的时尚部落客生涯,但她却在两年前毅然决定要只身搬到巴黎。对 MillyQ 来说,这个决定是有很多因素加在一起的。一方面是自己学了五年法文之后希望能够生活在一个全法文的环境,同时希望能够在巴黎生活,以便更深刻地感受这个城市,与法国的文化和历史。

Everyone has some kind of dream, but the execution of it is often a determining factor of whether or not the dream will be achieved. MillyQ is a role model for many of her readers on how to successfully chase after one's dreams, and she shares her technique about how to succeed in this interview. 

MillyQ has established a very successful fashion blogging career in Taiwan over the years. Yet, she decided to move to Paris two years ago. This did not happen overnight and it was a culmination of factors. On one hand, the decision was based on her desire to immerse herself in a completely French-speaking environment after taking French classes for five years. On the other hand, she wanted to live in Paris to experiences the city more in depth, including the French culture and history.


“如果这是我想做的事,为什么不去做?”梦想从来都是 MillyQ 的燃料,梦想让她更有动力。她是一个梦想家、一个 big dreamer。她对美有很高的敏感度,对于梦想充满热忱。

但是这一个看似很大的决定,是怎么样从一个念头与梦想成真呢?MillyQ 在做决定时会不会有挣扎呢?决定要搬到巴黎时,许多人当下是不认同这个决定或是表达担心。对于很多人来说,MillyQ 搬到巴黎这个举动充满未知数。不仅仅要放弃好不容易在台湾建立起的知名时尚部落客身份,更要去一个完全陌生的新国度、新城市,重新从零开始。MillyQ 用一个非常精辟的形容分享自己如何勇敢追寻梦想。


“很多时候人不是不能下决定,而是心里想要 A 又不愿意放弃手里的B。你要问自己的是,你有多想要?是真的真的真的很想要吗?如果是的话,通常答案就很清晰了。”

MillyQ 从来就不会给自己很多后路,即使研究所毕业第一份工作不喜欢,也是直接先辞职再说,让自己断尾求生,才能冲锋陷阵。她不会让自己在太安逸、太温水的环境。

 "If this is something I really want to do, why don't I do it?", says MillyQ. After all, dreams are always the fuels for MillyQ's motivation. She is a dreamer, a big dreamer. She has high sensitivity for beauty and she is passionate about her dreams.

Moving to Paris was a big decision for MillyQ. To sum up, it meant that she had to give up all she has established in Taiwan. Not only did she have to overcome her own worries, but those of others. Suffice to say, many people had expressed their concerns or even criticized her idea of moving to Paris. To them, MillyQ's decision to relocating to Paris from Taiwan was full of uncertainties. In their eyes, not only would she sacrifice all the hard work she put into making herself a well-known fashion blogger, but even worse, she would be starting from scratch in a new foreign country. Nevertheless, how did MillyQ materialize her dreams from a single thought? How did she overcome her struggles while making this big decision? To answer these questions, simply put, MillyQ used a very simple approach on how to chase after her dreams courageously. First, she shared that "oftentimes, it is not one's inability to make a decision, but one's own reluctance to let go of what you have in hand (e.g., your comfort zones, your social circles, etc.) to pursue what you want". Second, you need to ask yourself, "how much do I really want this? Do I even want it?" From her experience, if the answers to these questions are "yes", then a solution will usually present itself. MillyQ never gives herself too many backup options. Even when she did not like her first job right after graduate school, she decided to quit before she found her next big gig. To her, she would rather push herself and be a frontline warrior than to be in a comfortable, complacent, but in a mediocre environment.



 “Making a big decision is knowing that you cannot have everything," she said.


有了梦想,要如何能够缩小现实与梦想的距离呢?对 MillyQ 来说,有了梦想但不知道该怎么办,通常还需要真正下定决心。每个人的现实都不一样,适合这个人的选择,未必适合另一个人。有些梦想不是现阶段,但可以被归类为以后要做的。比如说学生时代很想要到欧洲旅居,那么就可以把这列为未来要执行的梦想。很多时候搁置了梦想,当然是因为有很多不得不的情况,也许需要等待、也许需要时机、也许还需要酝酿,但也有很多情况是惯性或惰性造成,如果下了决心要追寻梦想,不要忘了时常去复习当初的选择,记得自己的初衷。

Once you have dreams, what you need to do is shorten the distance between them and turning them into reality. MillyQ continued on, saying that the main reason people do not know what to do next after identifying their dreams is that they have not made up their minds. Every person's situation is different. The choice that is suitable for one individual may not fit for another. Some dreams may not come to fruition in the present moment but should be placed in the basket of "dreams to pursue" in the future. For example, if you are a student and want to live abroad in Europe, then you can list this dream as a goal and take incremental steps to achieve it in the future. Yet, dreams are also unfulfilled because of laziness or bad habits. Once we have decided to chase after our dreams, never forget why you started.

“Life is not a straight line. There are always more answers to the amount of problems and difficulties you are facing,” says MillyQ.




“It's only until I have start will I know what step to take next," MillyQ would often remind herself during tough times. 

懂得与自己独处也是 MillyQ 能够独自一人前往巴黎生活的另一个主要原因。MillyQ 拥有很能自己与自己相处的性格,即使在巴黎一个人会遇到不顺心的事情,但三四天就会让自己度过那些情绪与关卡。虽然很多人会很羡慕 MillyQ 现在的生活,但最终,这都是每个人做的选择,愿不愿意放下自己手中拥有的、安逸的、不愿放下或失去的,而冒险去追寻未知的梦想。也有其他部落客觉得自己无法长期住在国外,因为害怕要重新开始。这时,MillyQ 才从别人口中意识到“妳很勇敢”这件事情。有朋友问说,这么做不会怕吗?MillyQ 觉得“怕什么?”。不要把自己困在一个自我预设而空害怕的框框中。同样的,碰到预料之外的事情,MillyQ 也不会大惊小怪。因为对她来说,没有什么好怕的,想太多的担心都只是还没有发生的吓自己,还没开始就宣告自己game over 。MillyQ 冒着许多风险,把自己推向巴黎、推向国际。

As another piece of advice on pursuing one's dream, MillyQ stresses that knowing how to live in solitude is key. She mentions that this is one of the reasons how she was able to move to Paris by herself. It allowed her to be independent, confident women she truly is deep down. Even when encountering predicaments in a foreign land, she was able to transcend them in a few days without letting the negative thoughts in her head weight her down.  While some people may be envious of the life MillyQ leads, they shouldn't, as it all comes down to the choices each person makes. They, too, can achieve their dreams. Instead of letting their envy percolate, these people should be asking themselves, "Am I willing to let go of or give up what I already have in pursuit of the uncertain dreams?"

A blogger told MillyQ that she could not imagine herself living abroad for an extended period because of her fear of being alone and having to start from a blank canvas. It was then that MillyQ realized that her decision of relocating to Paris from Taipei was a "brave" one. Some friends have asked whether she was scared to move to Paris alone. Her response was, "Scared for what?" Do not put yourself into a self-imposed box and just be terrified for the things that have not yet happened and probably never will. It never previously occurred to her that she should be frightened. Before we even started, we declare to ourselves that it's a lost cause. Then with fortitude, MillyQ pushes past her obstacles, taking many risks along the way to push herself onto the international stage in Paris.


巴黎的生活体悟 Life in Paris

MillyQ 形容巴黎女性非常敢爱敢恨,不仅追求平权,更抱持着“你可以,我也可以”的平等心态,不会因为一件事情或一个领域一直以来都是由男性主导而退缩。巴黎女人非常做自己,她们会直接表达自己的情绪。MillyQ 透过生活周遭所认识的那些各不相同的巴黎女人也让她看到原来人生还可以这样过。

“人生与爱情哪有不受伤的,但你可以用两个人在一起的时光创造美好。”一个造型师分享她的感情观给 MillyQ。


MillyQ describes Parisian women as very daring; dare to love as much as they dare to hate. They not only ask for equality but also have the attitude of "if you can do it, I can do it." They would not back away from a position or career only because a field has a history of being dominated by men. Parisian women are confident to be themselves and express their emotions directly. By moving to Paris, MillyQ was fortunate to meet a variety of Parisian women who taught her to live life differently. For example, one stylist shared her own thoughts on relationship:  "You can't expect not to get hurt in life and in a relationship, but you can use the time together to create beautiful memories." You cannot live your life over again, so do not be afraid to love. It does not matter how old you are, whether you are married or single, you can live your life to the fullest.


MillyQ 也看到巴黎人如何不在意别人的眼光,勇敢做自己。或许在比较保守的社会里,大多数人不愿意表达自己的意见是因为不想被归类为“少数”,不想要被贴上“异类”的标签。即使不认同大多数人的意见,有些人还是保持沉默,选择不表达自己相左的意见。但是在巴黎,大家在乎的不是两个人意见相同,而是你如何把自己的想法表达出来。比如说在课堂上报告,重点不是这个论点的可行性有多高,而是如何把观点背后的逻辑阐述出来更为重要。不管对方同不同意,都会清楚把自己的想法表达出来让别人知道。巴黎人很坦然,很勇敢地去表达,更尊重每个人的独特性。


By moving to Paris, MillyQ also learned that Parisians do not worry about other people's opinions; they fully embrace the notion of "you do you". In a more traditional society, most people are typically not willing to share their own ideas because of the possibility of being labeled as an "outsider" and would be horrified to find themselves in the group of "outliers". Thus, although one may not agree with the majority, the person may still choose not to say anything against the majority and stay silent. Yet, people in Paris care not about being in agreement. What people do care is how you express your own ideas clearly. For instance, if you give a presentation in class, it does not matter how feasible it is for your idea to be implemented, but rather, how you are able to deliver the logic behind your viewpoints and arguments. What matters most is how you are able to express yourself and let your ideas be known, not so much about people agreeing with your points. Parisians are honest and brave to be themselves. They also respect each others' uniqueness.

"I'm sharing my opinion not to seek your approval, and I certainly do not mind that my views may not be in agreement with the majority, let alone taking disagreement as a personal attack. I do not agree with you, but I respect you. It does not mean a problem does not exist even if we stay silent, then why are we avoiding the conversation?"

时尚与生活 Fashion and Life

跟 MillyQ 聊梦想,聊巴黎,更离不开聊时尚。对 MillyQ 来说,时尚不是只有表象,时尚是一种态度,一种生活的方式。不是只在意别人看到的,更要延伸到别人看不到的生活细节里。时尚是最适合自己也最舒服的一种状态,这种自信更是会表现在可以用最轻松的方式与别人相处上。不要只有“好漂亮”,而是成为一个别人可以从跟你对谈的过程中更加了解你的思想和见识的人,成为一个“具有吸引力”的人!漂亮是皮相,魅力才是真正让人喜欢的原因。不要花钱买别人都看得到的东西,而要去累积别人看不到的东西。

You cannot chat with MillyQ about dreams and Paris and not talk about fashion. For her, fashion does not exist in a silo. It is an attitude, a way of life. It is not about focusing on what people could see, but instead, the details in life that people cannot physically visualize. Fashion is about finding the style that suits yourself most and being in the most comfortable state. This confidence will translate into being easygoing when interacting with others. Do not thrive for "pretty," but become someone who is "attractive," someone who intrigues others through the breadth of your experiences and depth of your thoughts. Prettiness is only skin deep; attractiveness is what makes someone falls in love with you. Not a physical attractiveness, but the mind and soul attractiveness. Do not spend your financial resources on materials others can see, instead, thrive to build on things that are invisible to others.  


接下来,MillyQ 也会继续尝试新的身分,现在正在进行的爱情小说写作便是其中一项。她说:“乔治・桑的小说很引人入胜正是因为故事形式是自传体小说,在小说里有创造出的角色,也有自己生命的影子。”对 MillyQ 来说,写小说是一个多年后的考验,考验思考、考验文笔、考验如何抓住并紧扣人心,这是一个全新的尝试。对她来说,爱情小说不只是写下文字,更需有感性的动脑与理性的思考,还必须具备能够打动人心的力量。她选择不断地尝试,不断地写。

MillyQ 表示自己一直以来就不是一个需要缜密计画才愿意行动的人,而比较是一个说做就出发的梦想家。“坚持,热情,努力,善良,有耐心,充满正义感,怀抱梦想 ”这几个字词或许是对她最妥切的形容。她不断地努力,不断地给身边的人和世界各地的读者光芒与力量。

MillyQ will continue to take on new tasks and new roles as she continues her life adventure of pursuing her dreams. Currently, writing romantic novella is one of the new projects she is working on. "George Sand's novels are very compelling because they are autobiographic novels. Some characters are created by the author, some are a reflection of the author's own life experiences," says MillyQ. Writing a novel is a new challenge for her. It tests her depth of thoughts, her writing, and how her stories can continuously engage her readers. MillyQ is not just typing words for her novel, she is writing both sensibly and sensitively while creating a compelling story. She will continue to attempt new challenges and keep on writing. 

MillyQ is not someone who plans everything before taking action. She is someone who goes after her dreams by taking immediate actions. Persistent, passion, hardworking, kindness, sense of justice, patience, and dreamer. These words could possibly better describe MillyQ. She continues to work hard and brings light and inspiration to those around her and to her readers around the globe.   



MillyQ 是一个认识了就想要继续了解更多的人,如果可以的话,她是每一个人一辈子都会想要拥有的好朋友、好姊妹。如果你在年轻时遇到了 MillyQ (我们相信年轻是种心理状态),无论是她的文字、她的照片,那 MillyQ 的故事将可以陪你一直朝梦想前进。

MillyQ is someone who you want to know more about once you get to know her a little bit. To those fortunate enough to know her, she is a best friend and best sister anyone could dream of having. Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast." If you ever encounter MillyQ while you are young (being young is simply a state of mind), whether it's through her words or her photographs, then her stories will always stay with you as you go chase after your dreams. 


专访后记 Notes

跟许多 MillyQ 读者一样,我是从 MillyQ 右脑左脑系列部落格文章开始认识这个不简单的女生。这次访谈有点像是 girls talk,有太多想聊,太多说不完的话。访谈主题围绕在梦想的执行力与 MillyQ 在巴黎这些年的生活体悟。聊完之后觉得彷佛充饱了电一般,对于生活,对于梦想。

Like so many other readers, I started following MillyQ from her series of articles on "right brain left brain." I began to know more about this incredible woman. This interview was more like a girls talk. I had so many things I wanted to chat with MillyQ during the time we had. The theme of the interview was focusing on executing your dream and MillyQ's experiences of living in Paris over the past few years. After the chat, I felt so inspired and recharged, about life and dreams.