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◎ get someone back 挽回某人、让某人回心转意

Dorothy is still trying to get her ex-boyfriend back; she just can't forget him.(Dorothy 仍在试图挽回她前男友;她就是忘不了他。)

◎ take someone back 与某人重归于好、允许有婚外情的配偶回家

Steven begged his wife to take him back, promising he would never cheat on her again.(Steven 求他太太与他重归于好,承诺再也不会背叛她了。)

make up 和好

要表示“跟某人和好”,可以用 make up with someone 这个表达法。例如:

My girlfriend is giving me the cold shoulder. What can I do to make up with her?(我的女友在跟我冷战。我能怎么做才能跟她和好呢?)

另外也可以说 kiss and make up,字面意思是“亲吻并和好”,但其实就是“和好”的意思,类似中文说的“握手言和”。例如:

They quarrel a lot, but they always end up kissing and making up soon after.(他们经常吵架,但总是很快握手言和。)


◎ break up 分手

如果要表示“跟谁分手”,可以写成 break up with someone。

I can't believe they broke up over such a trivial matter! After all, they had been seeing each other for seven years.(我无法相信他们居然为了这种小事分手!毕竟,他们已经交往七年了。)

◎ break off 终止一段关系

After learning that her fiance was two-timing her, Peggy broke off the engagement right away.(发现她未婚夫外遇之后,Peggy 马上跟他终止了婚约。)

◎ split up 分手、离婚

如果要说“跟谁分手”,则可以写成 split up with someone。

The couple split up because of irreconcilable differences in values.(这对恋人因为一些无法妥协的价值观分歧而分手了。)


◎ be done with 与...结束关系

Done 有“与⋯⋯再无关系”的意思。要表示“与某人之间已经结束、再无瓜葛”,就可以说 be done with someone。例如:

Henry has no intention of marrying me. He said he would five years ago, but all he did was keep me waiting. I'm done with him.(Henry 没有娶我的意思。他五年前说他会,却只是让我一直空等。我跟他到此为止了。)

◎ go separate ways 分手、分开


I'm afraid we'll have to go our separate ways, but I hope we could part on good terms.(我们恐怕必须分开了,但我希望我们能好聚好散。)
