路过 Chez Patrick Deli 时,我被它门口渗出的温暖灯光给吸引了。透过大片的玻璃窗可以清楚的看到店里的装潢- 木制家具,深色酒柜,垂钓灯饰…一看就知道是我喜欢的风格,怎能不进去一探究竟呢?


When I stumbled upon Chez Patrick Deli, I was instantly attracted by the warm glow that flowed through its floor-to-ceiling windows. In plain view – a rustic yet modern interior, wooden furnitures, dark timber fishes, pendant lighting. I just had to go in to find out what this is about.



香港湾仔星街 Star Street



Chez Patrick Deli 是个轻松的法国小餐馆,店里提供简单精致的法国乡村菜,还能外带沙拉,三明治 ,和各式熟食,买回家享用也相当方便。


A quick browse of the menu will tell you what Chez Patrick Deli is: an all day French bistro serving homey dishes. The cherry on top? It’s got a grocery counter that stocks a fine selection homemade products – perfect for lunch or dinner takeouts.



餐厅 Chez Patrick Deli


室内 Interior


吊灯 Pendant lighting



午后时刻,那就来份下午茶吧!这里的下午茶套餐 (90港币) 包含一杯咖啡或茶和一份甜点,可选择的种类有水果塔,可丽饼,焦糖布丁,闪电泡芙,等。我选择了那铁,不过 Mariage Frères 的茶也挺吸引人的,而且让我想起了我在比利时根特渡过的一个美好夜晚。


As it was 3:00pm in the afternoon, I sat down for an afternoon tea set (90HKD), which includes tea or coffee plus one “douceur” of your choice – tart, cake, crepe, floating island, creme caramel, or eclair. I opted for a cup of latte, though the tea selection by Mariage Frères was also very attractive, and certainly brought back fond memories of my evening in Ghent, Belgium.



拿铁 Latte


拿铁 Latte





It may look like I took a bite off this apricot tart before I snapped its picture, but it was actually served chipped. Rustic, for sure :) Loved the buttery crumbly tart shell, the sweet and moist filling, and of course the tangy dried apricots. Served warm!



杏塔 Apricot tart


杏塔 Apricot tart





Here’s the display fridge filled with hams, cheeses, pates, quiches, tarts, and the likes.



冰柜展示 Fridge display


好吃的食物 Yummy things




24个月的Kintoa火腿  Kintoa ham, 24 months


酒 Wine



之前听说过一些对Chez Patrick Deli的负面评价,不过我倒是对在这里渡过的下午十分满意。会再回来的。


Though I’ve heard mixed reviews about the food at Chez Patrick Deli, I was very happy with my afternoon spent here. Will be back.



坐下来吧! Take a seat


餐厅 Chez Patrick Deli


餐厅 Chez Patrick Deli



Chez Patrick Deli


电话:(852) 2527 1408



价位:[午餐 ] 90~220港币, [下午茶] 90港币, [晚餐] 300~380港币
