

Marie Forleo 是知名 YouTuber,常以影片扮演许多人心中的心灵导师。今天她用一段演讲,提醒你,其实你什么都做得到、你谁都可以成为。她先举例:

Our entire culture has been transformed by people who believe and behave like everything is figure-out-able. Think about the Wright brothers. If they hadn't believed human flight was possible, they wouldn't and couldn't have spent even one minute trying to figure it out. If the suffragettes hadn't believed women's voting rights were possible, they wouldn't and couldn't have spent even one minute working to make that a reality.

想想莱特兄弟,如果他们不相信人类飞行是可行的,他们不会、也不可能在这件事上花上甚至 1 分钟;如果妇女参政论者,过去不相信女性投票权是可能实现的,他们不会、也不可能去花甚至 1 分钟来让它实现。



Because you and I both know in our heart of hearts, yes, you do. You are divinely blessed and infinitely capable. And there is no fate, no circumstance, no situation that can hinder the unstoppable power of your human soul.


推荐阅读:【那些电影教我的事】当你怀疑自己, 想想相信你可以的人