如果你还没计画好下个连假要去哪里旅游,位于迈阿密的度假天堂西礁岛可以是你最惬意的选项,看女人迷作者 Louise 笔下的西礁岛风景,除了岁月静好的美景,慢活悠闲的生活步调,还有闪耀无比的夕阳景色。找个人陪你一起旅行,看日出日落吧!

Key West Travel Guide 很难忘记西礁岛的悠哉和宁静,湛蓝的天空、灿金的夕阳、慢活的步调,于是继续用相机的观景窗诉说西礁岛上的一切。

Key West Travel Guide . Everything in Key West is nice ad slow. Simply enjoying island time, experiencing the unique laid-back atmosphere, watching the blue sky and the golden sunset are unforgettable. 

|在西礁岛可以...|Key West Travel Guide

岛上除了上次提到的海明威的家外,还可以去海明威生前最爱的酒吧 Sloppy Joe's,一尝他住在西礁岛上时最爱的调酒 Papa Dobles;且因西礁岛上的地理位置使然,到 El Meson de Pepe 品尝道地古巴佳肴,餐点价格划算风味绝佳;或是到游客不多的白沙滩 Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park 野餐看日落。而位居最南端的 Southernmost Point,标示着和古巴相距九十哩的浮标、以及紧邻的小沙滩 South Beach,建议如果有顺路再去造访即可。

| Things to Do in Key West | Key West Travel Guide

Besides Hemingway Home and Museum, there are many tourist attractions and things to do. You have to visit Sloppy Joe's, which is Ernest Hemingway's favorite bar in Key West, and order one Papa Dobles to go. Treat yourself to the delicious Cuban food at El Meson de Pepe as Key West is the closet U.S city to Cuba. Also, Fort Zachary Taylor is a nice beach where you can enjoy picnic and sunset. If you have extra time, you can drop by at the small but free South Beach and the Southernmost Point, which is an anchored buoy that marks 90 miles north of Cuba.

Fort Zachary Taylor
Truman Annex, Key West, FL 33040

Sloppy Joe's
201 Duval Street, Key West, FL 33040

El Meson de Pepe
410 Wall Street, Mallory Square, Key West, FL 33040

Southernmost Point
Whitehead St, Key West, FL 33040

South Beach
Key West, FL 33040

在西礁岛上,欣赏夕阳是一件重要的事情。我们选择住宿的地点是这间位于小岛北端的 Ocean Key Resort & Spa,除了是看落日的好景点,旁边就有对旅人来说很方便的 CVS,兼具药局、美妆以及便利商店功能,离附近知名的落日广场 Mallory Square 和美味的夕阳码头餐厅 Sunset Pier 也都是步行距离之内。Ocean Key 的设施和服务人员态度都很好,游泳池外就是一望无际的墨西哥湾,眺望晚霞缓缓降落海平面直至余晖散去。

同场加映:爱是动词!10 种爱自己的迷人旅行

Key West Travel Guide

Key West is famous for the sunset view and it's definitely a must-see. Either at Sunset Pier or Mallory Square, watching sunset is a very special and mind-blowing moment and you can't miss. Ocean Key Resort & Spa is where my hubby and I stayed during our time in Key West. The room is spacious and decorated in West Indies style with modern touch. What impressed me most about this hotel is the position of swimming pool and whirlpool tub, you can overlook the sunset views across the Gulf of Mexico while enjoying a drink in the pool! 

Ocean Key Resort & Spa
0 Duval St, Key West, FL 33040

Mallory Square
400 Wall St, Key West, FL 33040

Sunset Pier
Ocean Key Resort & Spa, 0 Duval St, Key West, FL 33040