在现代人忙碌的快节奏生活里,怡然自得地烹煮美食似乎太过奢侈,少有锻炼机会的厨艺,让人偶尔想尝试下厨都不得不因“手残”而退却。女人迷作者 Louise 精选虾仁酪梨温沙拉义大利面,简单的步骤、容易操作的食材,让搞砸一道菜都变得困难。这是一份提供给厨艺初学者的可爱傻食谱


Comforting food doesn't have to be oily and rich. Gently warm you up, today's warm pasta salad with shrimp and avocado is light and simple, and it definitely doesn't need inborn talent to do this quick meal.  


After moving to Boston and becoming a full-time student, I find comfort in my kitchen. Chopping veggies and seasoning greens with salt and peppers are good ways to deal with stress. 


沙拉酱 │ 1/2 柠檬、盐和黑胡椒

沙拉 │ 酪梨、番茄、蘑菇、义大利面和坚果



DRESSING │ 1/2 lemon juice, salt & pepper

SALAD │ avocado, tomatoes, mushrooms, pasta & nuts




Wash and devein shrimps. Rinse shrimps with salt, black pepper and white wine and drain. Place shrimps in a preheated pan with olive oil, shrimps are finished until they turn bright orange and pink. Cook the mushrooms, follow the package directions to cook the pasta in spoiled water. Drain the pasta. Slightly toss tomatoes, avocado, pasta and shrimps in the pan. Season the dressing with salt and pepper, sprinkle mixed nuts to complete this warm pasta salad. Finally, pour it over the salad and serve.


Here is the warm pasta salad with shrimp and avocado, bon appetit!