在这个人人随身携带手机的时代,想注意时间,好像不是非戴手表不可。女人迷作家 Louise 介绍 DW 的两款女表,简约质感的大气设计,让看表不再是为了时间,而是为了欣赏表面色泽与表带质感相得益彰的设计。这一次,我们不让手表成为时间的载具,我们戴着它,只是为了它的美丽。

一个简单的看时间动作,也该是追求生活质感中不可忽视的小细节。来自瑞典的 Daniel Wellington 手表,戴在手腕上的是北欧的简约质感美学。戴了这些年,该记录我手边这只 Daniel Wellington St Mawes 心得。

Daniel Wellington St Mawes Review. Founded in Sweden, Daniel Wellington watch is a minimalistic piece that displays the unique Scandinavian personality. I have been wearing my Daniel Wellington St Mawes watch ever since I purchased it. I think it's time to share my review of Daniel Wellington St Mawes. 


Daniel Wellington 女款 玫瑰金 St Mawes 心得

我的第一只 Daniel Wellington 手表是女表玫瑰金的 St Mawes(旧名为 St Andrews ),表面以极简的金属细条纹取代数字时间刻度,是看不腻的迷人简约;手表设计没有秒针,让时针和分针安安静静的报时。蛋壳白的表面,干净俐落。直径 36mm 的表盘,低头是一目瞭然的准确。

我没有选择 Daniel Wellington 经典的 NATO 条纹腕带,私心更偏爱皮制质感,深沈的褐色皮革表带来自义大利制的牛皮,衬的玫瑰金表面色泽更为细致;戴了这几年表带弯了成一弧圆,是属于自己的温度和痕迹。经典大方的设计,有时候不是在看时间,而是真的就只是在看,这只表。

DW官网提供全球免运,不管你住在哪里,购买都非常方便。穿搭比较轻便时, Daniel Wellington 细腻的质感是最好的配件。例如夏日的棉、麻、或丹宁,简单配衬手腕上的皮革表款,让看时间成为一种欣赏生活的品味。

同场加映:【穿搭日记】大人味!如时光宝盒甜美的轻珠宝 FairyQ

Daniel Wellington St Mawes Review

My first Daniel Wellington watch is lady's Classic St Mawes in rose gold (former St Andrews). Instead of numbers, the crisp white face has markers in the form of thin gold lines. Subtle and refined, Daniel Wellington tells time in sleek fashion and design. With the size of medium-large 36mm, reading the time is easy and straightforward. For the band, I didn't choose the playful Nato straps as I personally love leather more. Paired with a rich Italian leather band, St Mawes has a really nice and natural brown leather. The leather strap givess a classic and timeless touch that works perfectly with the rose gold hue. I'm obsessed with DW's elegant and subtle design. Sometimes when I'm wearing it, I can't stop looking down. DW offers free shipping worldwide when purchasing a watch, and you don't have to go through the hassle of ordering from overseas. To me, DW watch adds a touch of class to your casual looks. For example, I like to style my DW watch with different textures such as cotton or linen clothes in summer: 

Daniel Wellington Lady St Mawes in Rose Gold
Daniel Wellington 女款 St Mawes 玫瑰金

Daniel Wellington 学院风 

在 Daniel Wellington 爱不释手的第一只表后,后来我购入了 DW 第二只表 Sheffield 款,同样是 36mm 的清晰大器表面,不同的是表带换为深沈的黑,表盘则是选择冷冽的银色配色,整只表更明显中性,维持一贯的干净设计,黑配银的 Sheffield 个性较为简约严肃。两只我都很喜欢,但是我更常佩戴的还是第一只玫瑰金 St Mawes ,温润的褐色气质依旧令我着迷。

除了轻便休闲, Daniel Wellington 皮质的沈稳和西装外套的学院气质相辅相成。我喜欢的 preppy style 学院感,穿上西装外套或者有着窄窄领子的洋装, Daniel Wellington 让举手投足间优雅了起来。


Daniel Wellington & Preppy Style

After my initial experience, I made my second purchased on DW lady's Classic Sheffield in silver. It's the same 36mm size, but the leather band is black. With slim silver lines marking time, the Classic Sheffield has the iconic DW classy feel in a modern way. I agree with their description in that it stands the test of time while maintaing its effortless beauty. I love both my St Mawes and Classic Sheffield very much, but I actually wear St Mawes more often as it works seamlessly with almost everything in my preppy wardrobe. As DW is basically synonymous with preppy style, the rich brown leather of St Mawes adds a touch of sophistication and goes perfectly well with all the preppy elements, such as blazers, collar dresses, loafers, and button down shirts.