刚开幕不久的 a poet 藏身于仁爱圆环后面的小巷子里。在不显眼的门面后是一个充满了阳光,花,和绿叶的迷人中庭,惬意的氛围弥漫了整个空间。不拘一格的混搭风装潢处处隐藏惊喜,每个角落都有种不完美的完美。


Tugged away in one of the quiet lanes behind Ren Ai Circle is recently-opened restaurant/cafe a poet. Behind its unobtrusive storefront, there is an enchanting courtyard filled with fresh flowers and greens, complete with a skylight that allows in plenty of natural light. Thoughtful restoration of the structure has revealed sections of the original walls, but the eclectic, sophisticated design of the interior is high on style. Picture perfect.



a poet 餐厅进门处


两人座 table for two


花园特别座 Garden Seats


室内景象 interior


复古风扇 Fan



在a poet,连菜单都透露出一种特别的轻松。 简单的下午茶菜单不会让人有琳琅满目的困扰,而甜点本身也都是无负担的轻盈美味。我尝了法式西洋梨轻乳酪巧克力薄饼 (280 NTD) 和义大利橙香冰糕 (320 NTD),恰到好处的甜味,令人飘飘然。


The afternoon tea menu at a poet is succinct, with only four desserts to choose from. The two desserts I tried – Pear and Ricotta Cheese Crepe with Chocolate Sauce (280 NTD) and Orange Flavor Mascarpone Cheese Cake (320 NTD), are both nicely put together and quite light, perfect for an airy afternoon.



法式西洋梨轻乳酪巧克力薄饼(280 NTD)






义大利橙香冰糕 (320 NTD)


义大利橙香冰糕 (320 NTD)



一杯暖心的伯爵茶, 甜点的完美搭配。


A cup of Earl Grey to complement the sweets.



伯爵茶 Earl Grey (+80 NTD with dessert order)


伯爵茶 Earl Grey



天黑之后,a poet被蜡烛点缀的格外浪漫。我翻着充满地中海风情的菜单,想像着炖饭和海鲜料理的纯粹美味。下次,一定要来试试这里的晚餐。


After dark, candles are lit and a poet transforms into a romantic dinner spot. The menu reads risotto, pasta, seafood, and other Mediterranean type of simple and light dishes. Will be back to try.



入夜之后 After Dark


入夜之后 After Dark


a poet






a poet

营业时间:Tue-Sun 11:30am-2:30pm/2:30pm-5:00pm/5:30pm-10:30pm










文章来源:Sugared & Spiced