
看完后,有没有更了解澳洲野火的严重程度呢?在影片最后,旁白用了 the worst is yet to come 这个片语结尾,这是什么意思呢?今天就让我们来学学几个和 worst 有关的实用片语吧!

worst 片语大集合

the worst is yet to come


The flu season hits the country hard, but the worst is yet to come.(这个国家爆发严重的流感季,但更糟的还在后头。)

if worst comes to worst

这个片语的意思是“如果最糟的状况发生”,是一种假设语气的应用,也可以将第一个 worst 换成 worse,变成 if worse comes to worst,是同样的意思。举个例子:

Even if worst / worse comes to worst and it rains on our field trip, we'll make the best of it.(即使最糟的情况发生,校外教学时下雨了,我们还是会好好享受这趟旅程。)

worst-case scenario

Scenario 的意思是“可能发生的事态、场景”,所以这个片语就是指“最糟的情况、最坏的可能”,带有假设的意味,举个例子:

In the worst-case scenario, the couple might lose a third of their personal net worth.(在最糟的情况下,这对夫妇可能会损失三分之一的资产净值。)

be someone’s own worst enemy

Enemy 的意思是“敌人、仇敌”,所以说某人是自己最大的敌人就是指某人“自讨苦吃、自找麻烦”,举个例子:

Kacey is her own worst enemy, as she always ruins her relationship when it’s going well.(Kacey 老是自讨苦吃,因为每当她的恋情顺利时,她总是搞砸一切。)


fear the worst


She hoped her missing son would be found safe and sound, but she still feared the worst.(她希望她失踪的儿子能安然无恙地被找到,但她仍担心最糟的状况会发生。)

at worst


Although I didn’t study much for the exam, I would probably score 70 percent at worst.(虽然我考试没什么准备,但我最差大概还是能得个 70 分。)

at someone’s worst

虽然和 at worst 只差一个字,这个片语却是指“某人最差的状态、最糟的一面”,举个例子:

I am at my worst when I just get up in the morning; I can’t think straight.(我刚起床时状态最差;无法好好思考。)

光是一个单字 worst 就有这么多相关的片语,有没有觉得英文很有趣呢?别忘了也要将这些片语活用在口说和写作中喔!